The Forgotten Secret of Success

The Forgotten Secret of Success

From a young age, we are encouraged to learn from our mistakes. In school, in college, in Life, at work, and in our relationships. To make things worse, we naturally tend to focus on our mistakes, and we tend to forget our successes. So we rehash a 1 star review and...
How to super-boost your efficiency

How to super-boost your efficiency

Why do some people produce a huge amount of work in the same amount of time most others struggle to get anything done? Cal Newport’s answer is simple: Deep Work – which gave the title to his best-selling book. What is Deep Work? It’s the opposite of shallow work. By...
Case study: A 3 Doctor practice in the Midwest

Case study: A 3 Doctor practice in the Midwest

Dr. B launched a start-up practice in the suburbs of a Midwest city. His vision was to provide a low-stress environment for his team members and a high level of customer service for his clients. After looking into different competing options, he decided that Chronos...
Make every day count with the 1-2-3 system

Make every day count with the 1-2-3 system

I recently discovered a technique to ensure you do the most important things every single day. Invented by best-selling author Greg McKeown who wrote the book (“Essentialism”), it’s called the 1-2-3 system. Do 1 essential task Every morning, ask yourself: if I did...
What kind of leader are you?

What kind of leader are you?

Do you know which type of leader you are? There are transactional leaders and transformational leaders. Rather than going through a long formal description of each, let’s go through an informal bulleted list of the main features of each. Suggestion: you may want to...